Schubert – Nobody’s Room
In Nobody’s Room, nothing is as it appears.
The project’s temperature ranges between the reassuring warmth of a Schubertiade and the frost of a Brechtian scene, alternating subtly nostalgic atmospheres of a Soirée de Vienne, to hieratic Impromptu and Klavierstücke’s incipits , melodies of the most peaceful (Abendstern, An Chloen, Lied and Schiffers an die Dioskuren, Der Schiffer) and restless lieder (Atys, Wer nie sein Brot mit Tränen aß, Abschied von der Erde) vividly intepreted by Vincenzo Capezzuto’s rather unique voice, here at his Schubert debut. His singing then converges in a flood, from which elements from the 4 hands Fantasia in F minor, the Piano Trio op. 100, and more sources (i.e. Brahms) recursively emerge. The treatment of these original materials – selected and sectioned, juxtaposed, arranged in the most unexpected ways (not the least through electropop rhythmic patterns)
– aims to generate a sense of surprise in the listener that ideally equals that experienced by the earliest listeners of Schubert, in the Nineteenth century.